Structure and microstructure characterization
Structural (X-ray Diffraction with theoretical Ritveld analysis by means Highscore or Fullprof software) and microstructural (Scanning Eelectron Microscopy with chemical coposition analysis - SEM + EDS/EDX).
Fig. 1. High temperature XRD patterns obtained for Cu2S samples [1].
Fig. 2. X-ray diffraction patterns for Mg2Si1-xBix samples after annealing, (a) x=0,01; (b) x=0,015 [2].
Fig. 3. Lattice constant dependence on amount of Li dopant [3].
Fig. 4. SEM images for Mg2Si0.98Bi0.02 samples, (a) after consolidation by SPS method, (b, c) after 24 h annealing, (d) after 7 days annealing [2].
Fig. 5. a) SEM image for Cu2S fracture sample, b) SEM photographs of surface of Cu2S with respective maps of elements distribution c) and (d) [4].
Fig. 6. SEM micrograph of CoSb3 powder after Si–O–C layer deposition and subsequent TPO and TPR experiments [5].